Warren Buffet: Successful and inspirational Story

Warren Buffet was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1930. The Full name of Warren Buffet was Warren Edward Buffet. The father's name of Buffet was Howard Buffet who was a congressman of the United State. His father doing business in the share market too and got success. The mother of Warren was Spanish named; Leila.

One of the popular quotes of Warren buffet was: "it takes twenty-year to build and creates your reputation and fame while only five minutes is enough to ruin it. SO. always tries to work differently to get enough success in your field."

Childhood and Warren Buffet

From his childhood, Warren had a great interest in business, shared market and investment. He was fond of business and investment and always feel fun and enjoyment in learning business and economics subjects utterly.

Recently he is one of the best, popular and famous people in the world. He is not only the best investor, motivator, businessman, and philanthropist.

The work performed by Warren Buffet was amazing and makes him outstanding among people. He becomes an inspirational leader all over the world. The wealth of great leader was going to charity.

He is also known as " Wizard of Omaha" and magician of share market. With the help of dedication and work hard, he shows to a young generation that everything is possible with passion.

Early education

In early life, Warren Buffett got his early education in Elementary school Omaha. After that, he goes to "Alice Deal Junior High School Omaha for higher education. After their earlier education, he got a master's degree in economics. His early interest in economics and business enable him to make sufficient money. The childhood of Warren Buffet was hard just like other famous peoples of the world. He was selling cold drinks and chewing gums door to door. He also works in a grocery shop and also sold the newspaper. He learns lots of lessons from his hard life and committed to doing the task perfectly.

A major achievement of Warren Buffett

The success of Warren begins when for the first time he and his friend invested some cash of $25 on the pinball machine. They installed these machines at a barbershop. The amazing plan succeeds well and later that install these machines in different barbershops. The saving of warren was started at the age of only 20. He saved about $9000 via his first share investment.

He urges Graham to work with him without any salary. The job that promised to gave Warren was not fulfilling so he left Omaha and married Lady Susan in the year 1952. After marriage Warren purchases the best house in about $31500. It is the place where he currently lives.

He purchases gas station but that not work perfectly for home

Due to amazing experience in business and business partnerships, he became the best and millionaire of the world.

Top Money Manager of the 20th century

Warren was one of the best managers in the world. He eas honored as the best money manager of the 20th century.

In 2008, Warren becomes one of the richest men in the globe. He is till recognize as the best richest people in the world as well as the best business tycoons.


The amazing and inspiring story of Warren Buffett teaches us that in life, whatever you learn, it never wastes. Since childhood, he did great work hard and always follow his great ambition and passion. The great passion to succeed in business and investment makes the experience best. He taught us that always hard work to achieve what you want.


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